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1. You must play on an official DDR A machine. No Stepmania.
2. Scores must be from the time period of the tournament and submitted on time.
3. Photos must be clear, and show your DDR handle and your EX score. App screenshots are also permitted. Photos without these requirements cannot be used.
4. Stamina sets must be played as a single set of 3 songs. You must also include a photo of the game summary screen that shows that you did indeed play those 3 songs in a single set.
5. Harassment or bullying of other participants will result in disqualification.
6. Any option can be used except Cut/Little. Turn mods are permitted.
7. In the stamina set, you must attempt all 3 songs in a row. You may use the extra stage to try one of the songs again.
8. You must identify as a woman to enter.

1. 公式DDR Aの機械でプレイしてください。ステップマニアは認められません。
2. 9月14 日から10月21日の間にスコアを提出してください。
3. DDR上のニックネーム、EXスコアが、はっきりと分かる写真を提出してください。
4. スタミナセットは3曲を一つのゲームセット内でプレイしないといけません。それを確認する為、ゲームセットの最後に出る最終スコア画面も写真に撮って、提出してください。
5. 参加者対してのハラスメントやいじめ行為があった場合は参加取り上げとします。



There will be 3 skill divisions – Low, Mid, and High.
Low will be difficulties 8-12, Mid will be 12-15 and high will be 15+.
You must play within your appropriate tier. For example, if you are capable of 17’s, you should not be in low tier. The tiers are there so that girls of all skill levels can compete with other girls on their level. Please enter the appropriate tier so competition is fair. If you think you aren’t good enough – enter anyway. This is a friendly competition!


Songs 曲

For each division, there will be 6 different charts.

Stamina Set

3 designated charts MUST be played in a single game set, similar to how KAC qualifiers were. These songs played in a single set are there to test your endurance. You must submit photos of each score, as well as the summary screen that proves that you played them in the same set.
KAC(Konami Arcade Championship、)と同様に、一つのゲームセットで3曲の指名されたものをしなければなりません。一つのゲームセット内でこれらの曲をして頂くのは、皆さんの忍耐力を評価するためです。それぞれの曲のスコア詳細画面、ゲームセットの最後に出る最終スコアの画面、を写真に撮ってください(同じゲームセット内でプレイした事を確認するため)。


The other 3 songs do not have to be played in a single set. You only need to submit a photo of the score. These songs might have some trickier things to time, and will test your MA skills!
残りの3曲 は、同じゲームセット内でプレイする必要はありません。曲のスコア詳細画面を提出するだけで大丈夫です。この3曲はおそらくコツを要するものなので、MAスキルを評価します!


Scoring 採点方法

Your EX SCORE is what matters here – it’s at the bottom on the results screen. The total of your 6 EX scores will be your grand total. EX Scoring works as follows – 3 points for a Marvelous, 2 points for Perfect, 1 point for Great. Please make sure the EX score is visible in your photo.
今回EX スコア(スコア結果の下にあるもの)を評価することになりました。6曲のEXスコアの合計があなたの最終スコアになります。EXスコアは:Marvelousは3点、Perfectは2点、 Greatは1点として換算されます。EXスコアがはっきりと見えるように写真を撮ってください。



Valkyrie Dimension’s purpose is to encourage women and girls to enter a competitive scene in order to encourage their personal growth in the game. Competition brings out the best in people, and it should be experienced at every level of skill. Dance Dance Revolution has always had it’s share of devoted women players, but it is largely a male-dominated game. This is a chance for girls around the world to put their skills to the test and enjoy the thrill of tournament play.