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Valkyrie Arena 2024

Light and Dark Valkyries are appearing once more! Which team will prevail this time?

Welcome to Arena 2024

  • Get placed onto one of two teams after playing a placement set
  • Get matched vs your opponent on the opposite team that best matches your skills
  • Play a 2 sets of 3 songs specific to you and your rival.
  • Earn points for your team by beating your opponent, getting full combos, and submitting scores early
  • The team with the highest combined score wins!

How to Enter

Unlike other Valkyrie Dimension Events, you must pre-register for this one.

You may register now and submit qualifier scores from now until March 22ND 11:59PM EST. You may play the qualifiers as many times as you want.


Pairs will be determined by these factors:
1. Placement song scores
2. Past Placement and scores in Valkyrie Dimension (if applicable)
3. Life4DDR rank (if applicable)
4. Your registration responses


The ‘light’ and ‘dark’ sides will compete against their rivals to earn points for their team over a 4 week period. You may submit scores as many times as you’d like.

Rivals & Teams
• You will be matched up with a “mirror” version of yourself.
• This will be the person closest to you in skill level that also enters.
• Rivals will be curated by Valkyrie Dimension staff.
• You will be randomly put on either the “light” or “dark” team.
• Your “mirror” will be on the opposite team.
• No, you cannot request a team or switch sides with your opponent. Sorry!

• You and your rival will get two unique sets of songs.
• The first set will be revealed at the beginning of the event. You will receive the second set at the start of week 3.
• You can still submit scores for the first set of songs after the second set has been revealed.

Set A is 3 random songs in a range that makes sense for you and your rival.
Set B set of songs will consist of 1 song picked by you, 1 song picked by your rival, and 1 random.

• You do not need to play the songs as a set.
• You can play them as many times as you’d like in the time period given.
• You must take a clear photo of the EX score with your DDR name visible.

The main objective is to beat your opponent in the 6 songs, but you can also gain bonus points depending on how well you do. You are earning points for your team’s total.

Game Locations

You can play on a DDR Cab, gold or white, at your local arcade.

You can also play at home on Dance Dance Revolution Grand Prix, if you have the songs available or are willing to purchase them. If playing with Grand Prix, you must play on a standard sized dance pad. This can be official DDR dance pads, or 3rd party pads that match the dimensions (no mini-sized pads, keyboards, etc) such as a Cobalt Flux, SMX, Reflex, L-Tek, etc.

You cannot use Stepmania to submit scores, but you are more than welcome to practice on Stepmania.

How to Earn Points for Your Team

Goal Points
Higher EX Score than your opponent on a song 4 Points
Lower EX Score, but within 3% of your rival's score 1 Point
Full Combo 1 Point
PFC 2 Points
MFC 5 Points
Submit Scores for Set A in Week 1 1 Point
Submit Scores for Set B in Week 3 1 Point


Phase Date Description
Qualifiers March 3 Qualifiers are announced. You have until MARCH 22 11:59PM EST to submit your qualifier scores and officially register.
Week 1 March 24 Pairs, Teams and Set A songs are announced. Tournament officially begins! Submit scores before MARCH 30 11:59 PM PST to receive a bonus point.
Week 2 March 31 Still accepting scores for Set A
Week 3 April 7 Set B songs are announced! Submit scores for set B before APRIL 13 11:59 PM PST to receive a bonus point for your team. Still accepting scores for Set A.
Week 4 April 14 Accepting scores for both Set A & B. Submit your final scores before APRIL 21 11:59PM PST


How do I submit scores?
Preferred method: Submit scores on our Discord
Alternative Method: Email photos of your scores to

Can I switch teams or rivals?
Nope! Sorry but we want to make the teams and pairs as balanced as possible. We can’t make it perfect, but we will do our best. Switching sides or pairs will unbalance things.

Can I submit another score for the same song if I play it again and improve it?
Yes! You can submit songs as many times as you’d like to.

How do I get the bonus for submitting early?
Submit scores in the first week the sets are announced. You must submit all 3 songs to get the bonus.

Do I have to play the songs as a set in the same game?

If I submit a score early enough to get a bonus point, then submit another score later, does that bonus point go away?
No. As long as you submit any score within the bonus period, you will get the point even if you submit again later!

How do I find out who my rival is and what songs to play?
Spreadsheet link will go here when the event starts!

Am I good enough to enter this?
Yes! No matter what skill level you are, you can participate. You will be matched with the closest person to your skill level. Even if you can’t beat your opponent, you can still earn points for your team in other ways.